Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Planning a Halloween Tableau


If you’ve searched out this blog, I hope it’s because you love Halloween and scary fun. If not, keep calm and search on; this is not the blog you’re looking for.

I’ve always loved the freaky fun of Halloween, ever since my Dad built us our first cardboard box coffin prop for the front yard. I was probably six or so, nearly 50 years ago. Since then I’ve put on haunted houses at my office, decorated my yard with massive gothic arches (Hubby carpenter supreme!), and dressed as everyone from Jack Sparrow, to various (male) coworkers. I’m a girl, BTW. Hey, I like a challenge.

Several years ago my husband and I decided to sell our home and downsize to a condo. I haven’t been able to really get into Halloween since 2010. I now live in a new home in Sweet Home Alabama, with a big porch, lots of land, and not one damned reason why I can’t get back to enjoying Halloween.

As I started thinking Halloween, I also thought I’d like to share the process. This blog will hopefully entertain, stimulate your imagination, and get you into that spooky spirit! Let’s just hope my concepts end up looking good, or this will be a major ‘net fail!


That implies I actually had one. Honestly, my Halloween display idea, and this blog, were inspired by a mind wandering while the weather was too hot to be out gardening. It’s hot in Bama, folks. Hot and muggy. Hot and muggy with NO BREEZE. I may adjust eventually adapt but, this being my first Bama summer, I had retreated to the air conditioned heaven of my living room and, while idly doing jigsaws or coloring, let my mind wander. Suddenly I remembered Halloween! I think it was a Treehouse Masters episode that triggered it (shot in Upstate NY, my old home. Ish.). And the noodling began. ‘Noodling’, from the German:


noun: noodle; plural noun: noodles

    1. a stupid or silly person.

      • a person's head.
    mid3 18th century: of unknown origin. The sense ‘head’ dates from the early 20th century.

    OK, for me it means idle thinking that may or may not blossom into an actual project.
    I remembered a favorite Website, grandinroad.com, that carries awesome Halloween décor. My first thought was one of their prefab figures, specifically…


    But then I thought, WTF? They have plain skeletons, and I CAN DO ANYTHING I WANT. And the noodling revved into high gear. Next up, THE CONCEPT; fleshing out my ideas.

    There is no telling where the mind will go while noodling, which often includes mahjongg, coloring and, yes, usually alcohol (for me!, not recommended!) My twisted brain ran through several sample dioramas before settling on a haunted, condemned house with a deceased family happily waving to visitors from the porch. So, what would that look like? First off, this idea works for me because my new Sweet Home has a full porch across the front. What you come up with should be informed by the space you have to decorate, and maybe the style of your home. I have a farmhouse sort of home, so I decided on a down-home family theme. Second, honestly, with the right props I could do anything, but hey, it’s my first time out in years, and I was feeling the Southland.
    Noodling… Noodling.  Mom and Dad, for sure. A son. A dog! Grandin has skelly dogs! Happy little dead family! Time to sketch it out…

    I am no artist, and you don’t have to be, either. The important thing is to get the idea down in a way you recognize, and make notes on details. Note here that Mom is in a beehive wig and dress, Dad in a beater, and son is wearing a propeller beanie. I also added a note to include a baby. I included notes on details like Dad’s mullet, boarded windows, and the dog holding the boy’s lower leg. That one may take some consideration. It means destructing a perfectly good skeleton. We’ll see. It’s August 1st. I have time. So do you, but planning now will help you create a scaryvelous display!
    Time to start some base-shopping. Need to purchase the central elements to my display, and must-have details. More on that next time!

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