Friday, October 21, 2016


A few spider webs, a handful of tombstones, lighting and we're ready for Halloween!
Here are a few more pics, and a short video on YouTube:

Monday, October 10, 2016


Whew! It's been so windy here recently, I didn't dare try to set up my Halloween skeleton display. Finally got most of it done today.


Yep, everyone is zip-tied six ways to Sunday. Aside from holding on Mom's shoes and Dad's shorts, zip ties hold the ball in the large dog's mouth, fasten the small dog and Mom to her chair, Junior to the stair rail and the large dog to a steel spike in the ground. I just wanted to discourage anyone casually snatching up a figure and walking off. Dad, on the other hand, is tied up like crazy. He can't stand on hos own, so he's zipped to the railing in a few places.
The 3M tape was used to (hopefully) keep the beer bottles in their places.
Mom looking cheerful with Spike on hand
Junior, chilling
Dad says, "Hey."
Rex wants to play.
The tableaux
I don't know if it's clear, but there is Spanish moss in the shrubbery and hung here and there. Pretty sure I need more. I picked up a package of 'black mesh' at Hobby Lobby. Turned out to be black cheesecloth. I'd intended it as webs, but now it's just creepy draping. I hope. If the package had said cheesecloth, I'd have either foregone it or gotten a lot more. Hmmm.
You'll notice I abandoned the boarded windows. Instead, I've hung craft paper inside my windows to hide my interior lights, give me privacy (if needed), and flatten the look. My house is pretty cheery; hard to spook it up without a lot more work. Fortunately, I'm going more humorous than scary.

The biggest challenge is that my house sits so far back! Not sure if folks are even going to spot the thing. I do have some lighting set up. I'll be checking it out and tweaking it, so I hope to have pics of that later. There is an orange/green spot on the porch, a backlight in one upstairs window, an orange flicker bulb in the other. For both, I opened and pulled up the blinds, crookedly. I'm curious to see how it looks, come dark.
Finally, I know this still needs more elements. I'm hunting those up once I post this. Spiderwebs would be great, but I refuse to use those white fluff webs in a bag. If you've ever put them on shrubbery, you know you still found bits of them next spring. Impossible to get rid of! (This is why I prefer Spanish moss, and it's biodegradable.) I'm considering some tombstones, too, one for each family member (dogs included).